Friday, April 24, 2015

What are you waiting for? 
Register now for SWA's 40th Writing Workshop and Send in those manuscripts: 

Guidelines for Manuscript Evaluations 
(Authors must be registered for at least 2 days to submit manuscripts for evaluation.) 


1. There are 7 evaluation categories:
• Poetry (Evaluator: Chris Tusa) - No more than 100 lines (one long poem or several short poems) - Poetry can be single-spaced
• Novel (Evaluator: C. Hope Clark) - The first chapter and a five-page synopsis
• Flash Fiction (Evaluator: Chris Tusa) - Complete manuscript of at least 100 and not more than 500 words
• Nonfiction (Evaluator: Donald S Vaughan) - The first chapter and a five-page synopsis –OR– Complete manuscript not over 1500 words
• Columns (Evaluator: Darrell Huckaby) - A 1-paragraph description of the column, including the intended media and the target audience, and a 750-word sample column manuscript.
• Memoir (Evaluator: Dana Wildsmith) - The first chapter and a three-page synopsis
• YA Fiction (Evaluator: SR Johannes) - The first chapter and a five-page synopsis

2. Each conference member can submit up to 3 manuscripts for evaluation, but ONLY 1 entry per member per evaluation category.

3. Each manuscript may be submitted to ONLY 1 evaluation category.

4. Manuscripts must be submitted by EMAIL ONLY.

5. The submission DEADLINE IS May 15, 2015. NO extensions. 

6. Manuscripts must be previously unpublished, including cell publication, Web publication and blogs. If your work is openly available to readers online on a blog or article directory (i.e.:,,, it is considered PUBLISHED. If your manuscript has been critiqued online through membership website that requires members to login to see the work, it is considered UNPUBLISHED.

7. Simultaneous submissions are OK.

MANUSCRIPTS 1. Manuscripts should have standard 1-inch margins all around. Must be double-spaced and 12-point font, Times New Roman. 2. NO contact or identifying author information should be on the manuscript. Manuscripts should have a header with the title on the left, and page numbers, right. 3. Manuscripts should be attached in a Microsoft Word file. One attachment per email only. 4. The entire submission should be included in one attachment. For example: a book chapter and synopsis should be submitted in one file.

SUBMISSION EMAIL 1. The subject line of the email should include “manuscript + evaluation category name.” For instance: “manuscript – Novel Evaluation.” 2. Author's name, address, phone number, e-mail, and payment-received information should be in the body of the email. Your PayPal receipt or the text from the email you received from the registrar as proof of registration, e.g. Web Accept Payment Received (Unique Transaction ID #xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx) 3. The manuscript title, word count, and category should also be included in the body of the email. 4. Email manuscript evaluations to

** Manuscripts submitted for evaluations by faculty members are not entered in contests. If you want to enter a contest, please see Contest guidelines. **

SWA Members SHINE!

Buzz Bernard:  I'm one of the (many) featured interviewees in this month's edition of THE BIG THRILL, The on-line publication of International Thriller Writers. 

Patrick Hempfing’s moMENts column titled “A Wagon Filled With Memories”
was published in the April issue of ten regional parenting magazines, spanning seven states (NY, PA, NC, SC, FL, TX, and ID), and four newspapers (Capital Gazette, Carroll County Times, Orlando Sentinel, and Sun Sentinel).  Houston Family Magazine published “Lessons Learned” as a web exclusive.

Patrick Hempfing had a 20-year career in banking, accounting and auditing before he became a father at age 44. He is now a full-time husband, stay-at-home dad and author of a monthly column titled “moMENts.” Follow Hempfing at and - See more at:

Linda Joyce signed a contract with Doctor’s Dreams Publishing for the inclusion of two of her poems in Katrina Memoirs to be released on July 1st. Additionally, she'll be a presenting a workshop at the Moonlight and Magnolia Conference, then a guest speaker at the Gulf Coast Writers Association, both events are in Octobers. She's presenting a workshop on SMART-R Goals for Results

Word from the Editor: 
SWA's workshop in June is special. It's unlike other writing workshops. From the moment
you arrive and check-in at Epworth by the Sea, you're able to relax. There are different types of lodging available. Yes, you may bring your family and make it a vacation. There's plenty for them to do while you're immersing yourself in the workshop. (Your room reservation does include your three daily meals.)

We take our meals together in a lovely dining room overlooking the intracoastal waterway. It's a time to break bread, nourishing our bodies, and at the same time, filling ourselves with community. Meal time is a time of exchanging of ideas, learning about your fellow attendees--you never know what expertise they may have that you'll need for a future story or poem. Networking takes place southern-hospitality style.

Classes are lively. Questions are encouraged. Content will enhance the richness of your writing craft and feed your creativity.

Then, there's Open Mic Night, a fun and engaging event where writers read some of their works--no criticisms allowed. Just fun and encouragement in the form of applause. 

And I can't forget the excitement of Awards Night! Everyone waiting with great anticipation to hear the winners of the contests. I've been blessed with several first prize wins, however, I'm equally excited when my friends win. 

As the newsletter editor/blog boss and Author Liaison, a new position on the Board of Directors created to highlight the work of authors attending, I work to spread the news about the benefits of SWA. People often refer to a board position as "sitting," yet its far more like conducting an orchestra with all the juggling I'm doing.  

I wouldn't volunteer my time to SWA if I they hadn't proven to me they live their mission: Writers helping writers.

Let us show you how invested we are at SWA in helping you. Register now and join us!

Warmest Regards, 

Linda Joyce


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